I started reading its content...and I found myself agreeing to the words. Let me share them with you. I know this is not the first time we have heard or read about this but somehow it made me think about it again.
"Money No Enough"
Money can buy a House but not a Home.
Money can buy a Bed but not Sleep.
Money can buy Books but not Knowledge.
Money can buy a Position but not Respect.
Money can buy Medicine but not Health.
Money can buy Blood but not Life.
Money can buy Sex but not Love.
These thoughts made me re-think about my life and how I'm living it. It reminded me of what is really valuable in this existence. It made me reorganize my priorities and put more thought on the important things in life.
Somehow it made me appreciate the things I have now. It made me feel grateful for I realized I have in abundance the most priceless things on earth... a Home which my loving and supportive family has given me, quality Sleep that my current lifestyle made possible, Knowledge that the vast experiences and people around me have contributed, Respect that I tried so hard to achieve and was paid off, Health that the Almighty One has blessed me, Life that He graciously lent me, and Love that my family and friends have unconditionally showered me.
So you see, I am RICH!
And I will try my best to treasure and keep these riches as long as possible. I hope everyone can do the same.
The second poster on the same shop that caught my eyes read " Money and Greed".

Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of energy we spend trying to get more money for that lifestyle we can't afford? Our desire for material wealth can overtake our life. It can become an addiction loading us with debt. Let us not feed greed!
This poster narrates the reasons why people want and will do whatever means to own the material things in this temporary world which they can hardly afford. Most people want it because other people have it. Some want it to establish or reestablish their position in society. This message reminds us not to be caught in the money trap but rather invest for eternity.
Matthew 6: 19-21
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Job 1: 21
"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised."
Joey, I know this is not my usual style but whatever!
On the first poster: I've read that somewhere before but I can't recall where, but I do remember that the title was "Money is Not Enough". The printer must have been in a funky mood at the time... :-D
On the second poster: therein lies the dangers of trying to keep up with the Joneses.I remember during the eighties when the battle cry of the yuppies was "greed is good" and everyone sought to make money however they can. Well, the bubble burst and a lot of them went down the drain...
Have a great weekend, Lucille
snglguy: yeah, you're right.
btw, the first poster was really written that way. I don't think they had typographical errors or whatever 'coz based on what i observed here, these people are not fond of using the word "not" on signs. don't know why.
I did have a great weekend and its gonna be on my next blogpost.
Enjoy the new week!
and i am rich, too!!! i think i also read that somewhere, maybe forwarded to me via email, not really sure, but i do remember that one. :D
zherwin: good for you!
intsik: u will definitely see me soon dear! Miss u...
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