I was killing the time before I board the plane to go to Singapore. Though I have no idea what I'm going to do once I get there, one thing I'm sure about is that I'm going to take as many photos as I can and post it here!
A sign that says "Smoking Area" caught my eye as I was walking towards the waiting lounge. The nicotine in me started kicking in. As if my legs have a mind of their own, it started to move its way to the cafe. Before I realized it I was already sitting down, asking for an ashtray, and ordering a can of Coke which costs to my amazement P150! Just to satisfy my urge to smoke, I can't help but pour in some bills to the cash register ( After the flight, I realized it was well worth it 'coz the transit time lasted for 3.5 hours. Imagine my restlessness!).

I was able to drag 3 Marlboro Lights Menthol sticks into my lungs during the 30 minutes that I waited before finally entering the boarding area.
The second my feet touched solid ground, I was itching to light a cigarette but fortunately I was able to control myself with much difficulty. When I finally arrived at the hotel where my beloved sister is staying, I found out she wasn't in (to my utter frustration!). So, I went out and roamed the streets at 12:47 am looking for a phone booth where I can use my Singtel phonecard that I bought at the airport to try calling her but to no avail. After a couple of minutes walking, I spotted a cellshop and decided to buy a Singapore SIM card [the owner/shop attendant was a young cutie by the way and was helpful enough in explaining to me the charges per minute of call and enrolling me to a Free Incoming Call Plan (reminds me of Sprint!)]. Then I decided to cross the street and buy a cup of coffee worth $0.40. At long last, I took out my precious pack of Lights and indulge myself to my hearts content. Talking about pure bliss... I dropped my mom a call first before calling my sister. After a few attempts, I was able to get through. She then told me to wait for her at our friend's room which was next to hers (Phew!).
After the call, I leaned back against the chair, sipped my lukewarm coffee and lit another cigarette. Then I proceeded to check out my surroundings. People around me are talking in Mandarin. It's like I'm transported back in time when I was lying on my bed and was deeply absorbed in the Taiwanese dramas that I was hooked up during the days before I left Cebu. Looking at the faces of the people around me, I found out it's predominantly Chinese or of Chinese origin at some point. After a couple of minutes that my eyes were surveying the scene before me, I realized I come in frequent eye contacts to guys whose ages range from 20's and above. I decided it was wise to just look down and stare at my cup of coffee which became suddenly increasingly interesting to me (Hehe). I took out a piece of paper and started writing which for me has the best calming effect, next to cigarettes.
After consuming 4 sticks , I called it a night and went back to the hotel. My first night in this foreign land called "Lion City" then ended.